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People's Leasing & Finance PLC:The Trusted Leader

What will happens if I have not operate my savings...

If the owner of a savings account has not transacted...

What can I do if I lost my Savings Pass...

To perform any transaction, you need the original savings passbook....

What is the procedure of closing my savings A/C

You may submit a written request letter with the original...

Is there a charge if I do not maintain the...

Yes. Fee of Rs.25/= will be charged from inactive accounts...

Do I have to maintain a minimum balance in a...

Yes. For Normal / Senior Citizen savings account Rs.1, 000/=...

How can I make deposits to my savings account?

You can make deposits at any branch counter by cash...

Are your Branches Electronically Linked?

Yes, our branch network is linked which means, if you...

Is there any fee for ATM card?

LKR 300/-  Annual fee of Rs.200/=

Do you charge on ATM Withdrawals?

Yes. Will be charged, Rs.3/= (per transaction) - from the...

How can I withdraw money from a savings account?

You can withdraw the money from any of the PLC...

What benefits do I enjoy if I open a Savings...

A competitive higher interest rate.Can access your account from any...