People’s Leasing PLC’s Tangalle branch conducts workshop on saving habits for children
People’s Leasing & Finance PLC’s Tangalle branch conducted a workshop on saving habits aimed at pre-school children. This preliminary program held at the Tangalle Town Hall was participated by pre-school children with their parents and teachers.

The program that focused on stimulating saving habits within pre-school children was rich with entertainment acts brought in by children’s programs director and writer Upul Weerasinghe (Upul Mama). Singing and dancing acts demonstrated by him was thoroughly enjoyed by the participating children.
Mr. Isuru Sandaruwan Dias, Branch Manager, PLC Tangalle branch, speaking on this program conducted by the PLC’s Tangalle branch said encouraging saving habits within pre-school children is a national responsibility.
“Inculcating savings habits early will contribute towards making the future generation of ours prosperous. Officers of the Tangalle District Secretariat and PLC’s Tangalle branch staff members supported to make this endeavour a success and I pay my sincere gratitude to them”, he said.
People’s Leasing Company was commissioned in 1995 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the biggest state bank in Sri Lanka, the People’s Bank. PLC is currently the market leader in the non-bank finance sector in Sri Lanka.

Fitch Rating Lanka has assigned PLC a credit rating of AA- (lka) which makes PLC the highest rated finance company in the country. PLC is the only Sri Lankan finance company to have two international ratings of which one is equal to the Sovereign from Standard & Poor’s (‘B+/B’) and the other is one notch below the Sovereign from Fitch Rating International (‘B’).
PLC’s financial service product portfolio includes; leasing, fixed deposits, saving accounts, personal and business loans, margin trading, factoring and Islamic financial services.

People’s Leasing conglomerate consists of five subsidiaries namely, People’s Insurance PLC, People’s Microfinance Ltd, People’s Leasing Property Development Ltd, People’s Leasing Fleet Management Ltd and People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Ltd.